Thursday, February 25, 2010

White Men Riot

My wife and I huddled around the computer last night waiting for radio signals from the Midwest. At 1 am loud and clear The End of Radio Show was beamed in. I felt we were like our Central European brothers and sisters waiting for Radio Free Europe to begin. The program was punk rock with a heavy dose of newer bands. For old timers like us, we recognized Fugazi, the Melvins, the Ramones,and the Clash. The D.J. had a melodious, smooth voice which was a nice contrast to the dissonance of the music. By the end we knew some day we would be free. Maybe Leonard Cohen is right," Democracy is coming to the U.S.A." The DJ was my son Ian, who ran the play list off his Ipod, which now sports over 20,000 cuts. I'm sure the students from Oberlin College never heard the bands played last night. So we'll listen every Wednesday until the Wall is torn down.

Have spent the day watching the Health Care Summit. It was exciting as watching paint dry. I didn't get any sense that the Republicans had any intention of trying to reach any agreements. They would talk about principles of policy but not propose anything. President Obama was like the head teacher trying to get unruly students to behave. Why John McCain was there is anyone's guest since his whole life has been spent on government health care, including his stay at the Hanoi Hilton. President Obama politely slapped him down by saying, "The campaign is over, John." Republican Congressman Pat Ryan was the one to watch out for. While he came across as slick, his budget proposals call for ending Medicare and Social Security. That's why he argued against the Congressional Office of the Budget because he desparately needs to demonstrate that any Democratic plan will not cut the budget. His plan has resonance among Republican candidates for the House. All point to his plan of his website and absolutely none of these people talk about cutting the Defense Budget. As it is now, the Obama plan would allow me to purchase medical insurance at the same rates as government employees, a savings of 50%.

I talked yesterday about a coming cultural revolution. But I didn't think it would be conservative. There was one article yesterday on Breibart's news service that convinced me otherwise. I should know better about Baby Boomers--we're a bunch of stoners. Cheech and Chong said they wanted to get stoned with Sarah Palin because it was obvious from what she said that she had the best stash. I disagree. It has to be Frank Gaffney, who must be smoking up a storm. Gaffney gave the Eternal Flame or Flaming Asshole award to Dick Cheney earlier in the year.

Yesterday Frank weighed in on the redesign of the logo for the Missile Defense Agency. This is as big a scandal as Proctor and Gambel's satanic logo of years ago. Drudge and the Freerepublic claim that the new logo is a deliberate rip-off of the Obama campaign logo with the Islamic crescent and star added for good measure. But Frank says it is even more nefarious. Team Obama--the new tag used by the right against the Administration--is acting in a treacherous way by limiting the deployment of missile interceptors and radars in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. This is a deliberate policy of unilateral disarmament, which is to be expected from " an Alinsky acolyte", and shows that the U.S. is submitting to Islam and the "theo-political-legal program the latter's authorities call Shariah." "Team Obama" is accomodating the "Islamic Republic"'s aggressive approach in the Persian Gulf.

Wow! So this Jewish guy who talked like he was from the Bronx ends up in Chicago before Barack Obama and starts advocating Islam and Sharia Law. This sounds like a stoned riff of George Carlin building up to a humorous laugh line. Saul Alinsky son is alive and has been laughing about how his late father still drives conservatives up the wall a generation later. I suggest we get Bill Ayres out of retirement to bomb Gaffney's bathroom. Ayres was always good at blowing up toilets--and a few of his friends. Gaffney could then use that to raise funds. "Bill Ayres wants me dead. Send money!"

I've learned one thing in the last few months--national security conservatives have the widest acceptance of cerifiably insane people than any other demographic.

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