Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not My Father's Republican Party

Minutes ago, Barack Obama signed the health reform bill into law after 100 years of Presidents attempting to lay down this last plank of the social network.

David Frum asked the Republican party to take time out for recollection. Instead, the conservative blogs heaped scorn on his idea.

Why? Maybe the Republican Party is not where Frum is at anymore. A new Louis Harris poll of 2,230 people will be released tomorrow, which shows you the range of mental disease within the Party.

Here are some preliminary results:

67% of Republicans believe President Obama is a socialist.
57% believe Obama is a Muslim
45% believe Obama was not born in the United States
38% believe Obama is doing the same things as Hitler
24% believe Obama may be the anti-Christ.

I do not have the final data but a significant number believe he is a "domestic enemy".

The Party of Gerald Ford, Tom Kean and even Tom Ridge. Don't think so.

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