Friday, July 4, 2014

The Tale of the Tape:The Worst President Versus The Second Best

++The jobs report recorded the 52nd straight month of job creation. This beats by one month President Clinton's record of 51 months from February 1996 to April 2000. 

++The five months of 200,000+ jobs is the longest streak since 1999.

++The 1.4 million jobs created in the first half of the year represents the best record since 1999. 

++The lowering of the unemployment rate by 1.2 points this year represents the sharpest decline in 30 years. 

++The full range of economists could find nothing to complain about once they dug deep into the report.The lingering debate is whether the rate of participation in the job market represents an inevitable decline as the Baby-Boomers and others retire or is the larger economy really just shrinking.

++As Jonathan Bernstein cautioned Democrats, the job reports and the fact that the economy looks like it has takeoff will not help their chances in the mid-terms as President Obama's approval rating continues take a beating for a host of reasons.

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