Wednesday, August 24, 2016


++Don the Con will be in Mississippi with Nigel Farage of Brexit fame. I guess he wants to win this swing state. 

++A Virginia operative for the Trump campaign says Hillary won't live out the first year of her term. I guess testifying for nine straight hours on Benghazi took alot out of her.

++The Right is in high dungeon on the Clinton Foundation. They are quiet about accepting $900 million from the Koch Brothers. By the way Charity Watch gives the Clinton Foundation an A+ and the donors circle gives them a platinum.

++Trump says that only B grade celebrities back Hillary.

++Eric ,son of Donald, says it would be stupid for Trump to release his taxes because we wouldn't understand them. But we would understand not paying taxes.

++The Trump campaign manager says that the polls are wrong because it does not account for "undercover Trump" supporters.

++Ben Carson says "elderly "Trump should release his medical records. 

++The Trump campaign says the Donald can't campaign among blacks because it is too dangerous. Ben Carson says he will escort Trump around his hometown of Detroit.

++No one knows what Trump's immigration policy is anymore. He seemed to agree with Obama's but that didn't upset his supporters.

++While in that other swing state Texas,Trump endorsed former Governor Perry against Ted Cruz in the 2018 election.

++Trump bought 55,000 comes of his latest book and charged it to his campaign. 

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