Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mud Flies in the Last days of Israeli campaign

++Jon Voight made an ad saying that Obama doesn't love Israel and that Herzog is Neville Chamberlain. Voight loves Israel.

++The Likud spokesperson campaigned against Hussein Obama--get it.

++Mitch McConnell said that Obama is on the cusp of a bad deal with Iran--get it "bad deal".

++Liberman said he represented the right-wing in Israel, not Bibi.

++Tehran Tom Cotton said he did not regret his letter at all. Romney's old spokesperson said the letter read like a civics lesson.

++John Boehner is opening an investigation into Hillary's e-mails.

++Karl Rove said that Hillary's e-mails will be a problem. He said all of his were recovered--eventually.

++Pope Francis said military force was permissible against ISIS.

++John Kerry said that the United States will probably have to talk to Assad to end the conflict in Syria. John Brenner said Assad can't be overthrown because ISIS would take control of Syria.

++John Kerry said that only political disagreements now stand in the way of an Iranian nuclear deal. The technical side has been taken care of. 

++Maureen Dowd still hates Hillary Clinton.

++Hezbollah sent 800 soldiers to attack ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

++Bibi's last rally was ruled illegal so it can't be shown on TV.

++The Iraqi parliament may vote not to allow American troops back into the country.

++What Obama is up to in Venezuela escapes me. Venezuela a national security threat? Human rights abuser and corrupt ,yes? But really a national security threat. President Maduro threatens to come to Washington and duke it out with the President. 

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