Monday, March 30, 2015

Tomorrow Deadline

++The State Department said that Iran had reneged on sending the uranium to Russia. Then later in the day it claimed this was an option.

++Russian foreign minister Lavrov left the meeting mid-day and said he would return tomorrow is a deal is ready

++Haaretz spent the day showing how Israel was heckling from the sidelines while the negotiators tried to develop the winning formula.

++Bibi said today that the United States had joined the Iran-Laussanne-Yemen axis. 

++Very Republican of him. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that one-third of the GOP believes Obama poses the most imminent threat to the United States. 27% believe Khameni,25% Believe Putin,23%  Assad. Obama is the champ at 34%.

++Vladimir Putin showed up in Egypt and expressed support for an independent Palestine with a capital in Eastern Jerusalem.

++The Arab states decided to create a single armed force to attack threats in the region. 

++Josh Marshall at TalkingPoints refers to Bibi's concern that his coalition will alienate the world.

++Hillary Clinton said she wanted Israeli relations on a constructive footing.

++Congressional Democrats have been trying to talk Obama down from his animus toward Bibi.

++Congressional Republicans are in Israel getting an earful about the deal.

++There are only three elements remaining to the deal.But you never know. It could collapse tomorrow.

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