Monday, September 26, 2016


++Plouffee says the polls are incomplete. The Clinton campaign are doing large samples for modeling surveys of everyone on the voter list. So you have a very good understanding of how you believe 100% of the election will be allocated on election day.

++When you look at how 100% is likely to be allocated in Florida,I get very optimistic.  I can get Trump to within 2 or 3 in Pennsylvania but I can't get him to a winning number.

++The same is true in Virginia and Colorado. I know everybody goes crazy about the latest Cheetos poll but I feel very confident about both New Hampshire and Florida. So that puts her over 300. Trump would have to pull off a miracle in the electoral college.

++He think Clinton will win Colorado larger than Obama did in 2012. 

++He thinks the areas soft for Clinton will firm up after the debate.

++From Plouffe's mouth to God's ear.

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