Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Am Not A Number -I am Number 13

++Bobby Jindal announced today as the GOP's 13th candidate.  Bobby has the worst approval rating of any sitting US governor. Maybe, that's why the decision was announced using a hidden video recording his kids in the backyard. 

++Alabama become another state to eliminate the confederate flag. 

++Alan Keyes said that the attack on Mother Emmanuel as an act of "gay rights terrorism". 

++A human wall will separate Westboro Baptist Church from the mourners at Pastor Pickney's funeral. I guess they think it has something to do with gay rights also.

++The reaction is starting. A South Carolina legislator says that removing the flag is like Stalinism. Ted Cruz is holding firm on the flag because the GOP knows that about time for their big Southern primary the reaction will be set.

++Bill Kristol got into a screaming match with Bloomberg's editor saying this campaign will lead to disrespecting the Confederate war dead.

++I have news for Billy. The Daughters of the Confederacy thought bringing the flag back as a symbol of segregation and racism was disrespectful to the confederate dead.

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