Thursday, April 14, 2016

Debate II

++Neither of the surrogates after the debate thought it changed the nature of the race. Josh Marshall said he had not heard two people yelling at each other for such an extended period of time--and he remind us both are over 65 years old. 

++Marshall didn't get what Sanders' end game was about the Palestinians, neither did I.  Marshall felt the question about whether Sanders was a Democrat was helpful. I thought it was and I am not a Democrat. I think the whole optics of Sanders as independent and then running as a Democrat tilts the field in favor of Hillary. 

++The headlines are all on Libya, speech fees,Sanders accusing Clinton of receiving money from the oil companies and Sanders flubbing his bank programs.

++One worrisome issue is that neither did or said anything to expand their bases. For Clinton ,it is a big problem with young people. There was nothing she said that was persuasive for young people. I just don't think she should take them for granted. They have a choice--stay home.

++It is true this debate showed there was no love lost between them. This is more a problem for Clinton because her campaign overreacts to some of Sanders' criticisms of her,making her look reactive and shifty. Tonight she wasn't any of those things.

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