Friday, April 1, 2016

Where Alex Jones May Be Right

++Alex Jones supports Donald Trump, something that is being held against Trump, but he went on a rant today that mirrors some observations of other political columnists.

++Jones titled his video piece "The Elections have been officially cancelled." What he took umbrage at was Karl Rove's statement that the GOP needed a fresh face--Paul Ryan?--as the nominee. Jones is hip to the stories that Trump has lost control and because he didn't say he would support the nominee he may lose his delegates from South Carolina. Jones pointed out that the people who voted believed they were voting for a specific candidate, not for someone to be selected by the establishment. 

++There have been several blogs on the right that think anyway to stop Trump is good but think about it. A "contested convention" actually means that the GOP establishment conjure up some theater to create a new candidate. This is not like Estes Kefauver versus Adlai Stevenson. This is not a contest between two gurus in a political party but the establishment over-ruling the primary voters to install someone they prefer. 

++If you are a populist like Alex Jones ,you go bananas with this talk and are quite right in being pissed that the mainstream media doesn't talk about this in the open. Everybody has gotten on the #NeverTrump bandwagon but no sees those controlling this. 

++You are beginning to read about Rule 40B. The odds are that the Republicans will withdraw this rule prior to the Convention. That allows the Party to nominate Romney,Ryan or anyone else that hasn't been damaged by this primary process. 

++People are gaming the primaries out right now and say that if Donald loses Wisconsin to Cruz ,then he will go to the convention about 100 short of the nomination. And as Nate Silver says if that happens, he won't make it. 

++Roger Stone thinks that the GOP has Mitt Romney suited up and willing to get into New Jersey and the last few primaries. I think it may be too late to enter. But Stone's view is that the whole Bush crowd is so damaged that they will get behind Romney. His take on the Bush family is close to being like James Ellroy on all politicians.

++While the GOP has telegraphed every move they have made,it's unclear they can orchestrate any of this without massive casualties to them and unfortunately to the political system.

++The Party Decides Crowd may be theoretically right, but it presumes there is a coherent party. I don't see it.

++Josh Marshall at Talkingpointsmemo wrote today that we are used to the marginalized losing their right of franchise, but we rarely see a party disenfranchise their own. And now we are seeing it. 

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