Monday, January 26, 2015

Fast Forward

++Yesterday on Face The Nation, John McCain blasted the Obama Administration for failing to make headway against ISIS. Senator McCain claimed that ISIS still held Kobani in Syria. Tonight,that is no longer true. The Kurdish troops finally seized the town and ISIS withdrew. The Iraqi forces today announced they had withdrawn from the Diyala Province having pushed ISIS out. 

++Josh Marshall wrote more about Bibi's misadventures and openly wrote that he did not know what it meant either here or in Israel. He did say that every wise observer knows not to underestimate Bibi in his political maneuvers. As long as the issue centers around security he gains.

++The Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer said that Bibi had a "sacred right" to address Congress since a nuclear Iran would pose an existential threat to the world's only Jewish country. He did not comment on Israel's nuclear arsenal and how that may be used to defend Israel.

++Bennet Kelley in "the Unbearable Rudeness of Bibi" at the Huffington Post reminds us that Bibi has acted this way with all American Presidents, not just President Obama. It seems so long ago that James Baker refused to meet with then Foreign Minister Netanyahu because he lied so much. Or Bill Clinton twisting his arm to accept the Oslo Accords, only to find Bibi was cheating at the edges. Clinton got so annoyed he had James Carville run Ehud Barack's campaign against Bibi. Or that even under W, the White House told Israel not to go ahead with the settlements but Bibi did anyway. Kelley goes into the sordid history in his piece including the hours Kerry put in stopping the Security Council vote.

++Michael Tomasky in "How will Obamaa punish Netanyahu?" summarizes the flap and zeroes in on another United Nations vote to get even. I doubt it. The White House is trying to paper over the rift for now.

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