Sunday, January 25, 2015

Josh Marshall on Bibi's blunders

++Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has a must read on "A Bridge Too Far" on they reactions to Bibi Netanyahu's invitation to speak before a joint session of Congress. 

++Josh has been following the events as appearing in the Israeli papers where Michael Orens, an American born Israeli and former ambassador to the United States called it "a cynical political move". Chris Wallace termed it "wicked".

++Marshall says Chemi Shulev's piece in Haaretz is a must read for the damaging comments by Diane Feinstein who charged that it was a breach of protocol and jeopardized the Iranian negotiations. Marshall believes the intensity of Feinstein's remarks reveals that the Democrats are no longer cowed by the right to be "stronger on national security" than the GOP.

++The net effect is that support for new sanctions now has diminished since the flap over Bibi's speech.

++Obama's Chief of Staff tried to distance himself from the White House official who said "Bibi spit in our face." But the lengthier version of Kerry's interplay with Bibi over Iran and the Palestine Vote makes the Bibi move more egregious. Throughout the several hour meeting with the Israeli ambassador,Bibi's acceptance of Boehner's invitation never came up when the ambassador knew about it the day before.

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