Sunday, December 25, 2016


The moaning of Democrats over Hillary Clinton's campaign is too much. So it's Obama and Hillary as the two top vote getters in American history. But we are told that the Clinton campaign knew she was 10% behind Obama in the white working class. Now we hear that the Sanders's staffers told her she was behind in the swing states. 

But the Brennan Center has a different perspective. This was the first presidential election where Voter ID Laws were implemented in over one-half the states. It was the second election after Citizens United. The visible destruction caused by that court decision was the destruction of the Republican Party. 

When I ran the Republican Institute, there was a bipartisan consensus that we needed to do more to get voter participation. 1992 was the nadir--about 45% of the electorate voted. This year it was about 54%. Compare that to any industrialized democracy. BREXIT got above 90% turnout.

It seems to me that a complete review of our voting system is needed. The early voting which favors the Democrats resulted in hundreds of thousands of votes being tossed out. And of course, when the city of Detroit is disenfranchised, you have a problem.

North Carolina is now considered a "partly-free" democracy with the coup against the Democratic governor. 

There are systemic problems which Republicans have no interest to solve. Democrats must be where the people are and push,push,and push. But debating over Hillary Clinton will not work or help.

Why not get the people who never vote to go to the polls? That might make it more interesting.

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