Sunday, November 13, 2016


D.R. Tucker writes about the destruction of all climate change initiatives with the election of Trump. He urges Clinton actually to galvanize the states should won to pass climate change measures and to encourage solar energy and renewal energy. He points to California and Washington State resisting George W. Bush on this matter.

Otherwise he says conservatives own all the consequences for ever--the droughts,the hurricanes,the rising seal levels, the population displacement.

He raises the Keystone Pipeline which President killed before signing the Paris Accord. Yes TransCanada wants to still do it. I've written how it's nuts. It is no longer financially feasible and no one wants tar sands oil. 

However, the nominee for the EPA is a climate denier and funder of the Heartland Institute which propagates climate change denial. There may be a good chance of Trump eliminating the EPA.

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