Sunday, November 13, 2016


My grandfather knew Bonhoffer at Union  Seminary in New York City. Bonhoffer actually was more of a fundamentalist. He was appalled by how Americans treated African-Americans. When he left to go back to Hitler's Germany his clergy friends begged him not to go. My grandfather didn't live long enough to find out his fate. Instead one could talk about Martin Neimoller not Bonhoffer.

He went back to Nazi Germany and joined the Abwehr and plotted the assassination of Hitler from day one of his return. After a few failed attempts against Hitler, Bonhoffer's role was discovered and we learned after the war he was executed in a concentration camp.

For American evangelicals he became a hero to emulate against the policies of Barack Obama such as the Affordable Care Act and same sex marriage. But some evangelicals are concerned about climate change and immigrants.

I raise Bonhoffer because remember the students rebelled against Jerry Farwell,jr. for his support of Trump. The religious Right expect a big payoff from the Trump administration.

But what is a young Christian to do faced with a President who is a pedophile, a serial sexual molester,tax dodger and cheated students out of thousands for Trump U? Will not that horror being back memories of the real Bonhoffer?

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