Sunday, November 13, 2016


Whatever you think about the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Paris Climate Change Treaty, TPP, or even NAFTA, they took years each to negotiate and other nations felt we acted in good faith. Interesting enough by a President who won over 50% of the vote and won electoral landslide and another President who won two terms and won electoral landslides.

Now Trump comes in and wants to dismantle them all. What effect will that have on the international order? Why would any country give us the time of day when as the Indians say,white man speaks with a forked tongue?

The same applies to arms treaties with Russia. A few in the Trump transition team opposed Reagan for his arms agreements with the Soviet Union, some of which still apply today.

Canadians says that ending NAFTA would destroy their domestic economy because they don't have a national distribution system. The Canadians are now searching out other trade partners because the United States is now considered unreliable and they must protect themselves.

The German people are horrified by Trump because they see Britain went, the United States went and now France may go. It is like a reverse Nazi Germany, leaving Germany as the leader of the rump coalition called the "Free World". 

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