Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm Fired Up--Ready To Go

In a terrible time in a terrible year, it took the old Barack Obama to get the juices flowing. Speaking before the AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic, Obama finally came back on fire,giving the type of speech that inspired all those who voted for him. Alot of it he has said before and over the last few months--the need to place the economy on a new foundation, one based on work, not wealth, the need to reform a badly damaged health care system that will not leave everyone one illness from bankruptcy. He hit all his points today but with a fervor that has been lacking in his normal speeches as President. O' and yes, he did endorse the public option to keep health insurance companies honest. He pointedly talked about all the lies being said about the health reform plan and asked his critics,"What's your plan?" He quickly answered his own question,"None". He should have kept going and said that his critics think the status quo is OK. If whole segments are going to hate the man without a harsh word from him, I would prefer he keep the fire in the belly and speak with the passion he's known for. Like many people, I think he's been too nice and hasn't slapped his opposition around enough. I could use with a whole lot of those Whoop-d-doo speeches Hillary Clinton always complained about. That do inspire and that's a good part of leadership.

See you at the White House rally tomorrow.

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