Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Clearing the Desk

The co-founder of Focus on (Your) Family and the Family Research Council, the Reverend George Alan Rekers returned to the Miami airport from a vacation in Bermuda with a male prostitute. The Baptist minister claimed he had undergone an operation and needed someone to carry his luggage for him. The "travel assistant" was hired through, where he advertised his qualities as having a "smooth,sweet, tight ass" and "a perfectly built 8-inch cock (uncut)" and being wild and likes lots of fun. Rev. Rekers' most recent achievement was helping write the new Florida law preventing gays from adopting. Rekers' Facebook entry mentioned his luggage troubles (he should have used "baggage") and joked ,of course, he wasn't gay. He only learned of his companion's profession once they were overseas, although he did use Rentboy to procure his services. His companion was very discrete in describing the whole transaction. E-mails have surfaced that the Rev. really enjoyed the whole experience and wanted to take him to London.

Rev. Rekers is known for his quiet role in influencing almost all anti-gay legislation on the Hill and through the various states. He virtually commutes to legislatures. Among his many works are "Who am I, Lord?" and "Growing up Straight: What Families Should Know about Homosexuality." He is also on the board of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), which sponsors "going straight" cures for gays.

Meanwhile Kansas Democrats are demanding Senator Brownback denounce his roommate Rev. Lou Engle, Republican prayer leader for his support of legislation in Uganda to "kill gays". Unfortunately for Engle , his performance in urging the Ugandans to kill gays was on tape.

Grover Norquist, alleged conservative leader, denounced President Obama using the term "tea baggers" for the tea party people, saying it was like using the "N" word. Grover, dear, that's what they called themselves before the media pointed out the meaning of the gay slang.

Neo-Nazis have circulated flyers to declaring Cinco de Mayo as the day to "catch illegal immigrants". The Neo-Nazi role in the bill has become more overt as Arizona papers exposed the number of Republican legislators who follow the Stormfront website.

Arizona isn't faring too well. Tucson and Flagstaff have joined the mayor of Phoenix in suing the state over SB1070. The Phoenix Suns are sporting Los Sons uniforms for the next playoff games. The Major League Baseball Players Association has called on Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game next year and reconsider Spring Training in Arizona. Chicago has asked the White Sox to get out of the Cactus League. Several Ladino Major League Players are refusing to play games in the state. And the Diamondbacks have been picketed around the league.

Feeling left out, Virginia's Attorney-General the "Cooch" has opened an investigation into the research of Dr. Michael Mann, a leading climate scientist here in Virginia. Cuccinelli is demanding the professors' scientific papers and research so as to determine whether the professor is guilty of defrauding the taxpayer by applying for research grants. Presumably, the Catholic Cuccinelli will be consulting the Inquisition's methodology in handling Galileo.

Virginia's Governor "Jobs" McDonnell happened to spend the early days of the Gulf oil disaster at a conference advocating off-shore drilling sponsored by none other than BP. As if to demonstrate their obtuseness, House Republicans led by "Tan Man" Boehner yesterday held a press conference reiterating Republican support for offshore drilling. I guess they didn't want to be accused of political correctness. And they wanted to draw a sharp contrast with Obama ,who has put all future plans on hold until safety reviews can be conducted. Dubai-base Fox News turned down ads criticising America's dependence on foreign oil. Maybe Cheney put in a word with the Saudis on this point.

The BP oil spill is a disaster on a scale we can't comprehend. The oil should be hitting the current that takes it to the Florida Keys very shortly. Even my oil and gas guys in Texas are apprehensive about the total environmental damage that will occur. But Ann Coulter says we shouldn't do anything about it. But that hasn't stopped Ann and Rushbo from actively trying to prevent sea turtles from nesting near Palm Beach. Curious double standard. Governor Perry says it was a warning from God. The Governor of Alabama says residents shouldn't sue BP but pray. As of today, BP has successfully lowered a concrete pyramid over one leak and will try two more tomorrow in an attempt to stop the leaks and pump the oil into tankers.

When considering this ecological disaster, Americans should remember that the oil isn't American oil ,it's international. The total effect of full-blown drilling throughout the country would only yield a maximum of one year of America's total consumption. The net effect would be a few cents on a gallon of gas at the pump. Is destroying the environment worth it?

The vendor who tipped Police off to the Times Square bomber is Aliou Niasse, a Muslim who sells framed photographs of New York City. By early this afternoon, Faisal Shahzad has been linked to Jaish-e-Muhammed, one of Al Qaeda's farm teams.

In the military commission trial of Mr. Khadr, the young Canadian, his interrogator testified the defendent was exposed to "fear techniques". What the defense could not get on the record was that the interrogator has been court-martialed by our military for "torture" and "abuse of prisoners".

At the Heritage Foundation yesterday during Eric Cantor's critique of Obama's foreign policy, an audience member called the President a "domestic enemy" much to the applause of the gathering. Cantor had to refute this but he looked liked he had been teabagged.

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