Sunday, August 1, 2010

Papoose For Not Insane*

*famous Yippie campaign button popularized by John Lennon

Where are the anarchists when we need them? I've never understood the demonstrations at G-8 meetings. No one understands them and nothing ever comes from them. Anarchists should return to domestic soil and engage in surreal acts of disobedience and disruption.

One possible venue for the re-emergence of popular disruption would be Glenn Beck's August "To Restore Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial to "claim the civil rights movement" as his own. Now that we know he's going blind, I suggest someone rent some kleig lights such as those for movie premiers and strategically aim them at him during his speech. Another idea would be to let off the anti-riot noise makers to force those attending to hit the mall holding their ears because the screaming noise.

The Right has been vowing violence since days before President Obama was elected. We have already had several plots against the President, the killing of the guard at the Holocaust Museum, the neo-Nazi in Belfast, Maine, who was building a dirty nuclear bomb, the killing of the Pittsburgh police by a Beck-inspired fan, the murder of Dr.Tiller as he was acting as an usher in his Lutheran Church. Now Glenn Beck tells a Kansas audience that violence is coming because those of us for Obama are against God. Rush Limbaugh not to be outdone says there is coming a war by the country class (real Americans) and the elite, which at $55 million a year he is not apart of. Neo-Nazis are patrolling the Arizona border hunting wetbacks and the Christian Hataree militia plots to kill Detroit policemen.

Dana Milbank scored again today with his op-ed on Glenn Beck and the Oakland Shooter. He claims that Beck's violent rhetoric may soon have a body count. Beck already does. The Cop shooter in Pittsburgh was an avid listener and was convinced Obama was going to take his guns. Two weeks ago, an unemployed, former felon named Byron Williams injured two Oakland policemen by shooting a 9mm handgun, a shotgun, and a .308 caliber rifle. Finally, he was captured. He wanted to create a revolution. His targets were the Tides Foundation and the ACLU. He was infuriated that the left has jammed its agenda down the country's throats.

If you've listened to Beck's chalkboard conspiracies, the "thugs and goons" of the Tides Foundation are seeking power and want to destroy capitalism. Literally, no one in America has publically talked abut the Tides Foundation except Glenn Beck. He says that the Tides Foundation is funded by George Soros. When I knew about them, they were funded by wealthy liberals from the Bay area, who earned their fortunes in the first Silicon Valley boom. They reconverted a building at the Presidio in San Francisco into the Henry David Thoreau Center, which provides office space for NGOs, working on progressive causes. "Thugs and goons", they are not as Yoda would say. More hippie. But Beck's obsessive mentions on them--29 over an 18-month period--triggered Byron Williams' paranoia. Just like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity's obsession with Dr.Tiller triggered his murder.

When I feel the dark side coming, I like to listen to Mike Malloy, who rants about the rightwing and their antics. It's cathartic. But I think we need something more. Ms. Sherrod is fighting back by suing Breibart for his edited video. And he suddenly goes silent. These are all bullies and they hunt in packs. It's really time we see the emergence of a counter-force. What ever happened to Edward Abbey's Monkey-Wrench Gang? They eventually went on to become "eco-terrorists", many of whom are now held in secret prisons in the United States. So that might not be viable.

In Arizona, I can see the re-emergence of parachutistas, the Mexicans who used to squat on properties during land disputes in Mexico. Latinos might want to team up and squat in John McCain's 14 homes, seize his Sidona ranch, and take over the Phoenix condos. If violence becomes the name of the game, perhaps a few selected targets like the CEO of Massey Mining or Goldman Sachs. The Billionaires for Wealthfare were a good antidote to the teabaggers but were a little too showbiz to be effective. How about Youtube's of Rupert Murdoch's yacht burning down to sea level at dusk?

While we extol the non-violence of the Civil Rights Movement and other such movements abroad for achieving their objectives, we have to acknowledge that the labor struggles were violent and that only after social unrest did companies seek social peace. President Obama even remarked how resilient the American people have been during this time of economic insecurity. But there has to be some fight back. And it will have to be in the arena of the culture at large.

What is needed is an in-between strategy to expose the buffonery and idiocy of the right's call for revolution. A few good bits. Moments of surrealism and Dada to expose the clown-like nature of these boobs. Radio interference of Limbaugh and other right-wing talk shows with alternative programming. The actions have to be unexpected and appear spontaneous for maximum effectiveness. I think Stuttering John of the old Howard Stern show should be brought back to ambush these people in interviews. It's a time to allow the imagination to run wild.

Let the Yippies have an encore!

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