Monday, September 13, 2010


Am fleeing to Canada for the week. I can't understand what is going on anymore here.

The Tea Party 9-12 rally flopped here yesterday. Attendees blamed Glenn Beck and his turn toward religion. Meanwhile, today Glenn Beck, having restored our honor, claims that violence is on the way--violence from the Left. With a shortage of ammo caused by the rightwingers, how is the Left going to arm themselves?

Senator Kyl claimed that Obama has declared class warfare. Where do I sign up? It's 98 to 2, I like the odds.

Catherine O'Donnell has taken a lead over Mike Castle in Delaware. Her fans have mounted death threats against the volunteer chairman of the Republican Party for their backing of Castle.

If you can follow the Tan Man statement on taxes, followed by Cantor this morning and Mitch McConnell this afternoon you're a better person than I. They were for the tax breaks before they were against them or vice versa. By the time I return, someone somewhere will have sorted this out.

Meanwhile Newt warns that President Obama is not only practicing Kenyan anti-colonial politics (as against monarchist fascism) but is also insane. Born a MacPherson, Newt is one of those Scots warn you against--prone to violence and irrationality. The clan name drove fear in the hearts of other Scots. Maybe, he will join the other 16 Republicans who appear to be aiming for the 2012 Presidential elections.

Sporadic polling coming in on congressional races indicate the Democrats are not doing as poorly as previously thought.

Maybe the GOP have come up with a new strategy to depress the vote turnout for the Democrats. Act like you're batshit and people won't want to associate with people who vote.

President Obama is going to announce a $80 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. This guy can make money out of anything.

William Gibson's Zero History is the return of the master of cyberpunk to nearly his best. He still writes as tight as a drum.

Here's hoping Elizabeth Warren will be appointed while I'm gone. I'm going to unplug and read some Gary Snyder and watch the Atlantic crash against rocks. Hopefully, I will have enough discipline not to surf the net.

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