Friday, February 14, 2014

Discharge Petitions

++House Democrats at their winter retreat happened on a device to bring the minimum wage and immigration reform to the floor. They want to use a discharge petition, where 218 votes are needed to bring a bill to the floor. John Boehner's spokesman claims that the "scheme" will not work. 

++George Will in a rare moment of sobriety writes today in the Amazon Post about why immigration reform is vital to the future of both the country and his party. Last week Charles Schumer tried a compromise where the House could vote on immigration and wait for the bill to take in effect after President Obama leaves office. In a raw vote count,the bill would pass the House now with full Democratic support, which is what happened with the debt ceiling.

++George Will made the excellent point that immigration from Mexico is now zero and that 9-11 unleashed the funds to secure the border and allow President Obama to deport an obscene about of people--2 million and counting.

++The NYTimes weighs in on ACA, saying 80% of enrollees have paid for it--the rightwing spin is that few are paying for it. ACA has surpassed its target for January, the first time that happened. The Right truly believe like in 2010 Obamacare is the ticket to ride to victory. 

++It was South Dakota who wants to jail doctors for life. North Dakota allowed doctors to use hospitals.

++Kansas is passing a Gay segregation bill, which would allow anyone with "genuine religious conditions" to discriminate against gays in employment,providing services or even benefits. They should just add in African-Americans to make the law clear as to its origins.

++Missouri is backing a bill against teaching evolution. Next they will make it illegal to teach any history after the 19th Century.

++Acela Joe Biden happened to speak the truth today at the Democratic conference that the GOP doesn't exist and that by wide margins the American people back the Democratic Party on the issues from raising the minimum wage to gun checks. He urged the Democrats to remain united for 2014.

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