Monday, November 23, 2015

A Must Read--This Issue of the Atlantic Mothly

++Peter Beinart says that President Obama is not speaking to his opponents but to history when he defends the Syrian refugees. Beinert thinks this has been one of Obama's finest moments, not caving to nativism and  fighting for a version of American history that has informed his presidency. Beinert outlines this history by recalling the speech at the 2008 Convention when Obama talked about the people who founded America--fleeing oppression abroad and the pioneers who fought nature in the West. Beinert feels President Obama has been constantly fighting the evil that is within America. He cites his Pettis Bridge speech and his efforts to rally the country after the Sandy Hook massacre. Beinert mentions how often President Obama tweeted messages for the Syrian refugees while traveling abroad and his criticisms of the Republicans trying to play to the fears of people. Beinert also mentions how unpopular President Obama's position is.

++Beinert's essay is a good read,"Why Obama is Standing By the Syrian refugees?".

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