Thursday, December 31, 2015

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life--Happy New Year

++We are almost there.Congratulations to all who survived 2015. A healthy and prosperous year to all and maybe a bit of peace both here and abroad.

++I thank the team at the Institute for Democratic Strategies for their support and the programs we put on over the past twenty years.  Hopefully we will wind down this year with some great finales.

++2016 marks 30 years of sobriety for me. I guess when I stopped drinking, the world began to go cockeyed. 

++This blog will start the last year of the Obama presidency tomorrow and look forward to a vigorous Fourth Quarter.  It has been a delight to see this eloquent man act as our President during the most grim times of my life and the toughest times for our nation in recent memory.

++I'll be chronicling the next election,which will be an ugly affair. Just remember,Dear Reader,two words to guide you in this election--Supreme Court. If you get confused,just remember these two words and you will straighten up and do the right thing.

++Remember Hillary Clinton's prescient words,"Americans need to have more fun." 

++I write some on my observations about the Bernie Sanders campaign, which is trying to take a page out of Obama's playbook. Scott Fairey, Obama's iconographer ,endorsed him today. The fascinating aspect of the Sanders campaign is that it is including some of the organizers from Obama 08, who later formed the core of the Occupy Wall Street protestors in Zucotti Park. Studies showed that 52% of the original Occupy crowd had been organizers in the Obama campaign and had become dissatisfied with the rate of change of the newly elected President. Now Bernie Sanders has over 2 million small donors breaking Obama's 2008 record for the same time period. But we are in the season of Citizens United.

++I hope in the next year that the Democratic Party would finally defend its record and that of President Obama's. You get the feeling that only the blowhards get the television time. It might be nice to see Democrats explain how their policies have made a tremendous difference in the lives of the average American. It is something we don't hear much about.

++The attacks on Hillary Clinton have now taken the strange turn of focusing on Bill's sexual improprieties. Having tossed out over twenty boxes of materials on old Clinton scandals and a small library covering everything from Whitewater to the Starr Report, I can tell you it was all garbage but it made fun reading. 

++What does a woman have to do to get elected President? We will soon find out. The problem is that Hillary Clinton has done about  everything you would ask of someone seeking the presidency. She has proven herself a master of policy positions. She is the best qualified candidate for the presidency and we used to think that was a sterling credential. But in this very chaotic time,that might not be enough. Like Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton has to prove it again and again until she grabs the gold ring. That will be interesting to watch. I won't feel as invested as I did with Obama's 2008 campaign. That was the greatest political campaign I have observed and participated in  my lifetime. But then we knew he was special and the country needed a special person to overcome the disaster of the time. Hillary Clinton has to make us feel she is that special person for this time. 

++I feel that the election will come down to who do we feel comfortable with. Who do we at least will act normally and we can understand their motivations and actions.

++The Republican process will be curious. Whether that party can stay united is actually a real issue since the fights are now in the open for everyone to see but few seem to understand. We have already seen the GOP spend more money before a vote has been cast than an entire presidential election and no one can predict the winner.

++But more in the upcoming year. It's Time. It's Happy 2016!

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