Wednesday, August 17, 2016


++The Trump campaign has doubled down on Burn It Down. For your Trump news,I recommend Daily Kos' now daily Trump Dump. The hiring of Steve Bannon of Breibart News has been likened to a "turd tornado". The impressions are just filtering in from establishment Republicans who think this is the certain road to a landslide loss. The Washington Post says it is a middle finger at the Republican Party. 

++Josh Marshall keeps following the Russian connection at Talking PointsMemo and has noticed that Trump's tweets widely depend on the alt/right internet sources of the white supremacists and Russian disinformation. This is from a man the RNC just two days ago urged to make an appeal to black voters. Trump supporters at recent rallies have been taped shouting "burn all ni**ers."

++The Clinton campaign anticipates that all the 1990 Bill Clinton scandals will be thrown at her and they are preparing for the debates to be just filthy.

++The new Trump team is as vile as the last and unpleasant in both appearance and speech. There are nasty pieces of work.

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