Friday, February 10, 2017


Andrew Sullivan will be writing a weekly "blog" for New York Magazine every Friday. He said he was compelled to return to write about the downfall of Western civilization or. in other words, The Trump years.

The first entry is "The Madness of King Donald" where he skews Donald Rex's lies. Bill Clinton lies,Richard Nixon lied but they shared at least an understanding of the common reality. Donald doesn't. 

He sees Sean Spicer as a typical apparatchik when he insisted on the size of the inauguration crowd. Comics have said Sean is more like Bagdad Bob. And Andrew spends some speace on Trump denying Gorsuch criticized his attack on the judiciary . Gorsuch statements were confirmed by Blumenthal, Sasse, and Ayotte but even still Trump three times denied it. Instead he attacked Chris Cuomo for never attacking Blumenthal assertion he served in Vietnam. On tape it had been one of the first things Cuomo did.

Sullivan says it is like seeing a bad dictator appear everyday in a Third World country. We have the rule of law so that politics isn't everything every day. But in Trumpland it is beginning to be different.

Andrew's next concern is the physical and mental health of Trump. He admits we usually stay away from this subject in talking about our Presidents but this time it is very worrying. Andrew is afraid Trump really is delusional. Andrew is not alone. Hill Democrats have openly said the White House needs a psychiatrist and California legislators reacting to his vow to wage war on the state have responded he badly needs therapy.

And, of course for Dish fans he has to end by raving about Martin Scorcese's Silence.

Welcome back but it is SAD.

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