Friday, May 29, 2009


Paul Krugman blogged for the New York Times that Republicans are acting demented. He cites the Obama is a fascist/socialist, Sotomayor is a "racist" and Obama is plotting to close down all the Republican car dealers as the evidence for this new phase of derangement. But he makes the point that it is simply they are out of power that makes this more evident but that signs of this have been around for years. He quoted Tom Coburn's wonderfully wacky cry about a Lesbian epidemic in Oklahoma a while back when he claimed women could only go to the bathroom one person at a time for fear of lesbian attacks. Jim Inhofe from the same state--which must cook wackos--called Global Warming a plot by the United Nations to "stop the engine that is America".

Presidential manque Newt Gingrich rifled off an e-mail today to supporters that all of Western civilization was at stake in the confirmation battle against Sotomayor because this will usher in a world of race-based laws. If the civil war meant anything and universal suffrage, then this must be stopped at all costs and he urges his supporters to fast fax letters to key Senators. His best line criticized her involvement with La Raza for jeopardizing national security because the organization supported drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. I have no idea whether they do or not.

However, I did see that Sotomayor would favor Muslims in her rulings, the evidence of which is scant. I also read a discourse on Puerto Rican cuisine and how it would negatively affect her temperment. Also that she was against the Second Amendment and is part of Obama's plot to take away everyone's guns.

Newsmax developed ten reasons why Sotomayor must be stopped and asked readers to call real conservatives in the Senate.

Meanwhile GOP Hispanic strategists are stunned and appalled by the attacks on Sotomayer. Frank Guerra, who worked on Perry's gubernatorial campaign in Texas and Jeb Bush's in Florida, said," I think this is going to have a long-term effect." Lionel Sosa, one of the most influential Hispanic media advisers in the GOP, said he was surprised at Gingrich, who is one of the key people who knows the Latino vote to the Republican Party.

G.Gordan Liddy on his talk show said he hoped that Sotomayor was not menstruating during one of the key court conferences or else we wouldn't know what we'll get. Rush Limbaugh likened her to David Duke playing on Tancredo's claims that La Raza was like the KKK. Tancredo continued his media rounds without backing off,although the La Raza spokesperson gutted him like a fish.

Karl Rove claimed that Alito told him that Sotomayor was impossible to work with,although it turns out later that both served on different circuits. Rove further complained that Sotomayor will correct the spelling and punctuation of her colleagues' opinions--a clear insult to her fellow male judges.

And Pat Buchanan, representing the thoroughly paleoconservative position that the Supreme Court really is meant for white males only, lamented again Obama's failure to consider a male.

Susan Molinari thought the Republicans should calm down and examine her record methodically before going off half-cocked. Too late.

Most of the conservative groups are simply raising money off this issue. In fact, the entire gun lobby generates millions for Wayne La Pierre's NRA and other second amendment groups, despite the absence of any threat to the second amendment rights, even with a Democratic President and Congress. One such group whipped up outrage today because one state was thinking of limiting the purchase of silencers for weapons.

Curiously absent in all this is Sarah Palin, who did manage to leak where the Colbert Show will be performing in the Middle East. I actually take her silence to be a sign of crude ambition so that other Presidential wannabes like Newt, Mitt, and Huckabee are on record, making fools of themselves.

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