Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Left Did It--Massachusetts Follow-Up

There are really people blaming the Left for Coakley's defeat in Massachusetts. I didn't think Bernie Sanders had anything to do with it. Former CIA agent and Hilary Clinton supporter Lanny Davis pontificated about how the Left's neglect of the race and Obama's own leftwing policies--I didn't know he had any--caused the Brown victory. I rarely defend the Left but here I think it's important that even FireDogLake sounded the alarm that all progressives had to grow up and act like children and back the Democratic candidate. The netroots were in full tilt activist mode several days before the election once they sensed the prospect of a Brown victory. The union GOTV efforts were mobilized and cash began to flow with the sounds of alarm. Yes, they did hold their noses but came through.

As for a response to the Obama leftwing agenda--a thought expressed by Evan Bayh, Joe Lieberman and Mark Penn, Research 2000 did an interesting poll of Democrats that voted for Brown. First, fully 57% believed Democrats were not fighting the abuses left behind from the Bush years hard enough. Second, a hefty margin backed the health care reform bill but a plurality said it did not go far enough. Thirdly,the vast majority supported the public option. Where the sample didn't track with conventional wisdom was that a majority felt the best way to get the economy going again was cut government spending, not regulate Wall Street. Clearly, the preliminary polling information does not support a return to triangulation.

Rush Limbaugh wondered whether the "bankers--ah the "liberal Jews" have buyer's remorse about Obama". That was not a slip. During the fall economic crisis, one of the most repeated e-mails I received was that George Soros, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank were responsible for the banking crisis. Connect the dots. Stay classy, Rush.

Peggy Noonan opines that Brown won because he looked really like an "American". Another guest on the talk show said that after Americans elected an African-American, they wanted someone who looked normal and that a woman wouldn't do it. This reminds me of Cokie Roberts complaining during the campaign that the Obamas vacationed in Hawaii and not somewhere normal like Myrtle Beach.

The White House is giving off mixed messages after the Senate win by Brown. Word to MSNBC was that Obama would take a more combative stance toward Republicans on a whole host of issues and the White House sources claim they believe they are being pounded by some of the anger that propelled Obama to the White House in the first place. Then minutes later we have a whole new dance on health reform claiming Obama will pare down the version he asks for focusing on all the elements people agreed on. Some Senate Democrats are now sounding noises they are open to "reconciliation".

One of the stranger of the strangest things to occur today were the articles put out by major news services that Nancy Pelosi's job was in trouble. Again, personally I never liked her, but as a speaker she has been one of the most productive in my lifetime. This year the House passed more progressive legislation on more subjects than probably the first whole administration of FDR. If anyone has been effective in Washington, it's been Nancy Pelosi.

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