Thursday, February 18, 2010

Afternoon Delights

The CPAC meeting continues to produce its hits. Dick Armey charges that Obama is an incompetent President, can't speak in complete sentences and is only interested in the distribution of wealth and control over our lives. A Young conservative believes that conservatives can win the younger generation because unemployment runs at 20% and that young people don't snort cocaine anymore like Barack Obama. Rachel Maddow was actually spotted trapsing among the little booths by the different organizations and was waylaid by people at the John Birch Society booth.

I guess Mitt Romney decided to revert to the racist legacy of Mormanism by delivering a speech with code words. He claimed Obama doesn't understand America--drumroll for the "real America", which is nice white and rich. CPAC leader Keene admitted he felt sullied by having relations with the Bush Republican Party. Little W once remarked about CPAC when told it was the base of the party," What are you talking about, I rebuilt the party." Oh yes, Dick Cheney made a surprise visit and was greeted by a thunderous applause . Cheney attacked Obama and claimed he was a one-term President.

Fox News was surprised that a man with an "American-sounding" name flew a plane into the IRS offices in Austin, Texas. His suicide note was posted on the web. A bitter scree against the Government and the IRS. Does Richard Reid sound "American". Actually, he was a Brit.

Glenn Beck has been at it again, claiming "progressives" are supporting euthanasia in Canada and what would happen to Sarah Palin's child if they succeeded here. Not to be outdone, Rush likens Obama to Hitler and the press operation in support of the stimulus package to Goebbels. He better not see Quentin Tarantino on the Rachel Maddow Show evince admiration for Goebbels as a film producer. The persistance of Glenn Beck and now Rush thinking Nazism was left-wing has become a new meme among conservatives. The person responsible for this is Jonah Goldberg, who wrote Liberal Fascism. I promise to re-post my little booklist of academic studies which demonstrate that fascism is clearly a right-wing phenomenon and that it has unique characteristics--some of which are now emerging on our right.

Poor Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League. Abe has been trying to build a Republican constituency for Israel for years and he himself leans that way. But he has raised the redflags about the anti-semiticism and proto-fascist leanings of many of the teabaggers. He voiced alarm the other day about the Republicans actively courting them for the 2010 elections. There is soon to be a new report coming out by the Southern Poverty Leadership Committee exposing the upswing in radical right groups and their role in the teabaggers.

Michael Steele met with representatives of the teabaggers on Capitol Hill. Teabaggers were forced to hold their press conference at the corner of the South Capitol Metro station where the press and teabaggers froze in bitter cold weather, while they could have been indoors at the RNC.

Freedomworks and the Club of Growth are actually mounting a rightwing challenge to Senator Bob Bennett, Republican from Utah. Bennett was one of the Senators who stayed up for days to try and get the original bank bailout right. He is conservative as all hell but actually possesses some expertise. Also, trolling for support at CPAC is JD Hayworth, the primary challenger to John McCain. The John McCain punching bag apparently is more popular at CPAC than Harry Reid.

A CIA historian blasted Marc Thiessen today for calling the "enhanced interrogation program" the finest achievement in its the Agency's long history. The historian was livid, saying the "program brought shame on our nation." So there. I also agree.

This nonsense usually drives me crazy but I figure since this stuff has absolutely no appeal or resonance with me that I take that as a sign of mental health. I also look forward to President Obama serving until I'm at least 63 so I have someone to listen to. It's clear to me that all these clowns I've mentioned above have little or no interest in listening to the President and clearly they never have.

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