Friday, November 19, 2010

The Lame Duck Session

We only have a short time before this Congress will give way to the clowncar of the next circus.

If you were President Barack Obama, you need two basic things--the ratification of the New Start treaty and the passage of the Defense Appropriations Act with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Those should be the two top priorities.

For the purpose of the economy and the general welfare,perhaps, the most important issue would be the extension of the unemployment benefits. At no time in American history have these not been extended when our unemployment rate is above 7.5%. The House Democrats tried to fast-track approval, which requires 2/3rds of the House. The measure failed but it did put all the Republicans on the record as opposing these benefits, while all are for tax cuts for the wealthiest.

As for the extension of the tax cuts, House Democrats are already plannng to vote on the middle class tax cuts. Harry Reid plans several votes on different tax packages. If I were the Obama Administration and I didn't get credit for the larges middle class tax in history, I would not force the issue at the expense of either the Defense Bill or the Treaty.

The New Start Treaty is vital because it compliments the administration's efforts at non-proliferation. Failure to ratify would be applauded by Tehran and North Korea. The problem if the Treaty fails to ratify is that America will lack on-the-ground inspection ability in Russia,which most experts say terrorists will acquire nuclear materials.

After yesterday's summit of Secretary of States and NSC advisers at the White House in support of the Treaty and Dick Lugar's insistance that Harry Reid call the vote on his Republicans, the time to move is now. Otherwise,the momentum will be lost.

The Repeal of DADT will be a kabuki play choreographed around the release of the Pentagon Report and the hearings on the subject. The votes are there to break the filibuster and approve the repeal if the correct procedure will be used. But this will have to be compressed within a short time.

With the republican leadership conspicuously dissing the President's invitation to the White House, President Obama should just forget about reaching any accomodation with the GOP over the tax issue. He should simply ask his plan be voted on--step back from the fray--and have the GOP work to give the rich the tax breaks. Democrats shouldn't even play the game, just let the GOP try to muster their own votes for the tax breaks for the rich.

I have no idea how any extension of unemployment will work or even if it has a chance to pass.

But the Obama Administration must keep their eye on the prize. Secure the Treaty and repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Harry Reid wants a straight up and down vote on the DREAM Act, which Hispanics have been pushing. This Act once began with wide bipartisan support but now faces a divided Congress with the GOP' new embrace of anti-immigration ideas.

That's about all that really can get done in the Lame Duck. If they accomplish these things, it would have been one of the most productive sessions in history.

Then, we can begin the Republican campaign to roll back all of Obama's accomplishments. Don't lose heart. It will take much more effort than the GOP thinks.

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