Wednesday, May 15, 2013


++Eric Holder has his confrontation today with the car thief. A routine hearing that had a few sparks but no great revelations. The burning issue is when Holder said he recused himself from the AP case, but not in writing,does that make him responsible. Fredo Gonzalez earlier in the day backed up Holder's actions saying if the national security reasons were so important than AP could be investigated. Apparently the investigation was made with grand jury sanctions.

++The IRS acting commissioner resigned and President Obama promised reforms and the adoption of the IRS' own recommendations in a study. Heads will roll and Obama promised cooperation with Congress as long as they acted in a serious way. (I just made that up.)

++The White House released the e-mails on the Benghazi attacks. Think Progress has a good piece dissecting how the e-mails destroy the GOP talking points about a cover-up. John Boehner said the e-mails raised questions why the State Department didn't want Al Qaeda mentioned. From the e-mails, it is clear that they hadn't taken credit and the Administration didn't want to give the perpetrators any leads about what the U.S.knew or were up to.

++Dick Morris predicts Obama will be impeached.

++Since Ezra Klein said that we don't have to worry about deficits for ten years, the House GOP will repeal all of Obamacare tomorrow. The CBO wouldn't even waste the time scoring the bill. They stuck by their old statement that one year cost of repaying would be adding $100B to the deficit and that over ten years would add $1 trillion. My son had a free exam today thanks to Obamacare. Thanks Barack.

++The great debt ceiling crisis has been postponed until November as the government's financial situation improves. I predict it will be about December before it becomes year and slip into next year.

++There is a new farm bill in the Senate, the last one having been blocked by the House and costing small farmers millions during last year's drought. 

++The Left can decide whether Eric Holder should resign because he's not a civil libertarian but he did act aggressively to make sure minorities were not as suppressed as the GOP intended. The gripes against Holder are real--surveillance and monitoring of Occupy Wall Street,jailing of environmentalists, and wholesale busting of medical marijuana dispensaries in the West. Holder didn't pursue charges against officials from the previous administration.

++Congratulations Minnesota becoming the 12th state to legalize same sex marriage.

++President Obama has asked Senator Schumer to introduce a Shield Law to protect journalists from the AP type investigations. 

++All in all--a good day for an embattled President. Tomorrow he has a press conference.

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