Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Little Engine That Could--Obamacare

++It is an axiom that Obamacare will succeed in states which wanted to cooperate and fail in states that refused to implement it. Even that may be too pessimistic. Today, it looks like some Red States are moving toward the expansion of Medicaid for poorer citizens. The Virginia legislature, Ohio and Michigan look like they are moving on this. One half of the Pennsylvania legislature approved but it is now stalled because they are in recess. New Hampshire may soon implement the Medicaid expansion. 

++HHS estimates there are 11 million Hispanics who qualify for Medicaid or the health insurance exchanges. HHS has already gotten out the information how Obamacare helps Medicare patients. It's clear from recent polls of seniors that they haven't fallen for the GOP's campaign on Medicare cuts. Seniors led to the GOP tsunami in 2010 have now moved toward the Democrats in significant numbers.

++The great campaign to get the uninsured not to sign up for health insurance seems to be heading to a flop. According to a USA Today poll of 19 states with health insurance exchanges, the states report that 8.5 million will sign up. 5.3 million of whom reside in California. HHS did a survey of all 50 states concluded that 7 million would sign up. Apparently it is an underestimate. The states report that the vast majority of people signing up are not sick, which was a concern for those trying to game whether premiums would rise or fall.

++Since the exchanges are being set up October 1 for enrollment until March 2014,the issue of Obamacare may not surface as a potent issue in the 2014 elections. 

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