Monday, April 7, 2014

I Have A Bridge To Sell You

++David Wildstein, who pleaded the fifth before the New Jersey Senate on Bridgegate but said he would talk if given immunity, is now going to talk to the Federal attorney investigating the case. The case is rapidly expounding as an additional 7 prosecutors were added to the team.

++The House GOP is tired out after 4 days work and now they want to go on a three week vacation.

++A new NSA Whistleblower says that the NSA spied on all congressional leaders,the intelligence committee, and wiretapped every member of the Supreme Court during the George W. Bush Administration. The man who oversaw this was Dick Cheney.

++The Supreme Court refused to hear a case on the constitutionality of NSA's Big Data-Mining.

++GOP whip Kevin McCarthy says that yes Paul Ryan's "stinkburger" budget does repeal Medicare and that he thinks ending Medicare will pass.

++Tan Man Boehner called Matt Drudge to try and persuade Drudge that the Doc fix and the little Obamacare adjustment was really a vote to repeal Obamacare.

++Gallup put out an analysis that the uninsured are at their lowest number since 2008. Of the 7.1 million signups, the LA Times shows that 5.4 million were previously uninsured.

++For the real numbers and getting into the weeds, check out where Charles Gaba tries to make sense of all the different signups for health insurance. He is trimming his estimate of signups on the exchange to 8.0 million.

++The Torture Gang is out in force:

 Liz Chaney had a go-around with Juan Williams saying Congress should spend less time investigating torture and more investigating Benghazi.

Dick Cheney again appeared on TV to defend the torture program.

Michael Hayden said that Dianne Feinstein was "too emotional" to investigate torture, even though it has already been done over several years.

Marc Theissen printed one piece in the Post defending torture and another today calling on John Brennen to defend the CIA from the report's release.

Morning Joe Scarborough invoked his version of the Nuremberg defense by saying the CIA people were "at risk" and did what they were told.

Jose Rodriquez of the Agency's Clandestine Service and the person who destroyed the torture tapes writes that torture worked. Except that the internal documents show it didn't.

The State Department is concerned that the report on the Dark Sites will have a negative impact on foreign policy.

President Obama has ordered a rapid declassification of the summary report, which the CIA will delay as long as possible.

Tentative reports by the Post say the torture was worse than previously reported and that the exposure will disgust the public.

Maine's independent Senator Angus King called for Dick Cheney to volunteer to be water boarded.

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