Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Jonathan Chait "Trump Is Going To Lose Because He Is Crazy"

++Chait's piece in New York Magazine is more about musing about what motives the Donald. Remember people said the Donald would never run anyway because he has too many business interests? Chait calls out the obvious about the Donald's statements but really objects that he doesn't have a strategy to win over more than 20--or maybe 30% of the GOP primary voters which he says any rich person could do. Ultimately his fault is that the Donald doesn't have a strategy to reach the nomination or how to win over people who are not Republican.

++All I can say is who does? JEB's strategy was to amass an intimidating war chest to chase competitors away. The only one who got the message was Mitt Romney. JEB! now is slowly sliding in the first three primaries and looks dangerously closer to losing New Hampshire. And how about the W legacy? Does JEB! really believe the United States should have three Iraq wars named after his family? 

++Chait's piece is sort of true but it also goes to show the Donald commands the language of the GOP right now.

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