Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Questions Just Keep Coming

++Too often I get caught off guard by the bizarre. For instance,the identitarians aim to celebrate European Americans in the United States. Wouldn't that include Hispanics? They are off-shoots of Spanish colonialism and they are Americans. And depending on their situation, living in the United States. So I am safe eating Mexican cuisine.

++What about music? I thought of Jorma and Jack. So I'm safe listening to Hot Tuna. But they play music of the Negro persuasion. Is that alright?

++Bob Dylan may be problematic because he's Jewish and plays songs based on African-American originals. 

++What sexual preferences do Identitarians have? It seems there is a rich and kinky tradition among Europeans. Are they only for same sex marriages between European-Americans. How about between a white male and an Hispanic. According to them that is not race-mixing?

++To think these people are well-funded and get grants for their work.

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