Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yes, I'm Listening To The Other Bruce at Top Volume So The Neighbors Start Screaming

++I don't know what to say about the JV debate with the Santelli,Mr. TeaBag Man and Larery Kudlow as moderators. The Dailykos has a blow by blow but Jesus, Lindsey Graham is scared of everyone. ISIS really will kill us all. As Fox News announced today, Black Lives Matter will join forces with ISIS. We're doomed. The reason is that our Navy is smaller than at anytime since 1915. The ole' Romney argument and we don't have enough swords. Lindsey wants to spend at least another $55 billion on defense. 

++Lindsey asks a burning question about today's world,"Would Putin be in the Ukraine if Ronald Reagan Were President? " Great question, huh. Lindsey kept referring to Russia as the Soviet Union.

++To Lindsey's credit he did accept Climate change and said he had been briefed by climate scientists when he visited Alaska. But he said we can affect it without destroying our economy.

++Marvelous George Pataki said he didn't want to bomb anyone just start a cyberwar with China. Pataki also acknowledged climate change. He said that Hillary's emails are already in the hands of terrorists.

++Rick Santorum aped Bill O'Reilly's book that Jesus was really, really against taxes. 

",,,Orbison sang for the lonely, I just want you only…"

++Bobby "Vishnu" Jindal said he would raise taxes but only after telling everyone. He says he will adopt for the federal government the type of economic policies he did for Louisiana. Oh myyy.

+++I'll catch up with the lunacy afterwards. Why are these guys still around? Combined they poll about 1.5%

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