Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kid's Table Debate

++It was all manly men talk as the JV said they would kill terrorists,bomb ISIS and put men on the ground. They were ambivalent about women on the ground and don't want to reinstate the draft because they want our men in uniform to want to be there.

++Mike Huckabee got in a twist to this doctrine by urging the boycott of Indonesia. He meant Indonesia. While Ms. Lindsey is opting to tighten economic sanctions on Iran. He says that Turkey and the Arab states won't cooperate because of Obama. They just don't trust him.

++Governor Pataki reminded Rick Santorum that the GOP doctrine is not the same as Islamic radicalism in attitudes toward women.

++Oh Myyy. Why are we still doing this. Rachel Maddow blasted CNN for changing the rules to allow Rand Paul to debate on the big stage.

++I guess everyone is up for being scared about terrorism to night. I'm bored.

++Tonight is the fifth Republican debate and the last until 2016. Pundits are saying that this is the time Trump gets knocked out. Want to bet?

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