Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Who Are The Republican Leaders?

++The New York Times just printed "Wary of Donald Trump GOP Leaders Are Caught In A Standoff." The piece is a good analysis of what seasoned Republican operatives are saying. Donald J. Trump--Like Rocky J. Squirrel--would lead to a massive electoral loss of the GOP at every level of government. In part this article elaborates on what John Sununu told a television interviewer. The fact of the matter they really believe Donald J.Trump can win the nomination.

++Now the New York Times thinks that David Brooks is an established Republican. They haven't looked around. The piece says that the "establishment" is concerned that Donald's rhetoric has pushed other candidates' to the extremes. Pardon me,but Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have gone out into areas Donald J. Trump hasn't been. Rubio saying that God's Law is supreme and government officeholders can disobey same sex marriage laws? The Donald hasn't said that. Or Ted Cruz and his embrace of Troy Newman who advocates the killing of abortion doctors. Donald J. Trump hasn't done that.

++The Donald hasn't advocated cutting Medicaid--the entire GOP caucus in the House and the Senate has done that. Marco Rubio and JEB have advocated re-invading Iraq and Syria. Donald J. Trump has come close but has not said that.

++The Times piece remarks that the big money and the establishment are afraid to go after Donald J. Trump because there would be so much blowback. The Koch brothers begged out of their plan to attack Donald J. Trump this afternoon.

++The Times has done an admirable job of attacking the Donald for his lies. But this occurred only after their own journalist was mocked by Trump. Let's say the profiles in Courage haven't been emergent in the GOP establishment and even the New York Times until recently.

++The media is trying to buy into a GOP victory and watch the spin as we go forth. Hillary Clinton is not a favorite of the Times or the Washington Post. Bernie Sanders is viewed contemptuously by both. 

++So maybe it might be time for neutral press coverage of the campaign? You can not spin where the GOP is today. It's not the same when the Democrats went a little left. This is full-dress Rightwing crazy. Maybe not all of the candidates buy the whole line. But even some of the line isn't appropriate for adult consumption. 

++Donald J. Trump keep rocking in the free world even though Neil Young gave the song to Bernie Sanders. 

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