Sunday, March 13, 2016

"Every American Remembers Where He Was When Herbert Hoover Died." Gore Vidal.

++Roger Stone says all the violence in the Trump rallies is caused by Clinton Operatives.

++The Donald threatens to send people to disrupt Bernie's Rallies.

++The rightwing blogs blame George Soros for the violence and… Mitt Romney.

++Marco Rubio can't figure out whether he should blame Trump or Barack Obama. Ted Cruz has it both ways.

++Ross Douthat has a column in today's New York Times calling for Republicans to take down Trump at the Cleveland Convention. 

++I guess Republicans are beginning to understand what a problem Donald J. Trump is when Max Boot in Commentary writes that "Donald Trump is the biggest security threat to the United States. Not ISIS, not the Chinese. Jacob Heilrunn covers the neoconservative reaction to the Donald. Now they want to save American democracy.

CATO's Doug Bandow says not so fast. Donald is noxious like the David Duke endorsement but watch out for Marco Rubio.
Bandow documents how many wars Rubio wants to create. He wants to shoot Russian jets down over Syria and wants the Ukraine to become a member of NATO, also Moldova. 

++Marco Rubio said the people should got for Kasich. Kasich said no thanks I'll win on my own,which is more than Marco will do in Florida.

++SNL had a skit on last night where Ben Carson gets attacked at a Donald Trump rally. "NO, he's the good one.",the Donald says.

++The New York Times has a front-page piece on the pride the African-American community has in Barack Obama and their impending despair when he's gone. I share their grief. You won't see the likes of him again.

++Meanwhile President Obama wants to know how the Donald's wines taste. The roadrunner keeps on.

++The Trumpeteer who said, "Seig Heil" at the Trump rally in Illinois says he'
s not a Nazi. I guess the same goes for the Trump supporter at the same rally who screamed " Go back to Auschwitz."

++The Donald is urging his supporters to get protestors arrested so it will "ruin their lives." He has invoked the good old days when protestors were routinely beat up. 

++I guess the Trump people poll tested "hippie-punching" and found that it will improve his standing like in the case of Roger Stone's mentor Richard Nixon.

++An Israeli poll shows the Israeli public wants Hillary Clinton to become President.

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