Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Donald Trump: A Dangerous Man"

++The essay/interview was produced by the Atlantic Council from an interview with senior diplomat Nicholas Burns, who is now an adviser to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, by Ashish Kumar Sen.

++The Atlantic Council is a decades old organization that is composed of policy-makers,think tank experts, and former diplomats who encourage the deepening of relations between the Unites States and Europe, or more precisely the NATO members. That this interview was in their publication if major because it is circulated both here and abroad.

++Burns summarizes Trump's foreign policy speech he gave on April 27th. Burns points to his threatening NATO and questioning its viability. He also blasts Trump's statements about our alliance with South Korea and Japan. Burns says he is for diplomacy but what kind of diplomacy does Trump want when he insults the Mexicans and the Muslims all over the world.

++Burns: "The ideas that he is putting forward are dangerous to America and what he revealed to me he is a dangerous leader. He doesn't appear to have the in-depth knowledge--about the world, history, economics,politics--that any serious presidential candidate should have. He lacks the nuance and sophistication that say Eisenhower and George H.W. Bush --just to single out two Republican presidents had.  It's that maturity and judgment that was so important to the Oval Office that all of our Presidents have to have. He doesn't appear to have any of it."

++"….Trump's speech was a categorical denunciation of all of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. He said it was a series of failures. He said he was the only person--his words,not mind--who could turn the situation around. He ,in effect,indicted all of our past Presidents, Republicans,and Democrats,since the end of the Cold War,all our Secretaries of State and Secretaries of Defense.  It takes someone with a very big ego,and probably someone who is very naive and doesn't understand global politics, to make such a categorical judgment. The speech was a series of threats and ultimatums.

++"…He appeared in the speech, and in the past several weeks on the campaign trail,to be munch tougher on our democratic allies--Britain,France,Germany,Japan,South Korea,than on Russia and on China. That obviously is a miscalculation on his part."

++ "Donald Trump says "American First" would be a banner that he would use. He would want to rethink call your self "American First" indicates that he is unaware of that history or doesn't care. (Burns goes on to explain the sorry history of America First and its appeasement of Nazi Germany." It is indicating of the campaign that they don't seem to understand this very important episode of American history."

Burns then takes questions about what current policy is in a variety of areas.

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