Tuesday, December 20, 2016


I would check out the search warrant issued for Huma Abedin's laptop. Not only was there no there there--such as in the quaint idea of probable cause, but Comey issued his letter before it had been delivered. 

Now Colin Powell's e-mails were hacked,the DNC's were hacked,the US government's was hacked, but Comey could find no evidence that anyone had hacked Hillary's private email server but she was supposed to be "careless with classified documents." There never was any evidence and Comey knows it. He bluntly violated the Hatch Act and worked with Putin to sabotage a candidate for President of the United States. 

Nate Silver has bugged like I am. Nate did analysis today of the post-Comey polls and found that Trump picked tip 4 points after the letter. Silver found that the polls we were reporting were accurate and that event stopped Clinton in her tracks. 

Bill Clinton said that yesterday when he cast his elector's vote for his wife. The DNC sounds like sour grapes now but the data hold true. 

This election is phony. And since Trump isn't taking any intelligence briefings,everything that happens after his inauguration is on his dance card. Asked where we were, Obama responded in a fine place. He will leave with the Dow around 20,000, nearly 13,000 above W,employment around 4.6%, inflation at 2.2%. So anything negative that happens is Trump and if a terrorist act happens it can't be like W, complaining they didn't have enough time. Obama made sure the Trump people had enough time, even though they refused to meet with the many intelligence agencies.

Hillary Clinton can be proud she drew more votes than any white male did for President. Only Barack Obama drew more.You think sexism had anything to do with Trump. The majority of attacks since he was selected have been against women.

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