Friday, December 30, 2016


There are a few facts you should remember. I wrote when the ACA passed that the United States finally recognized health care as a right,not a privilege. The incoming government doesn't believe this. What Obama achieved was a dream dating back ti Theodore Roosevelt and it had eluded Republicans and Democrats ever since.

The Democrats never defended it during the by-elections and even during the 2012 election when Romney himself had established Obamacare in Massachusetts. Instead we got the whining over single payer. 

Paul Krugman writes today in the New York Times about what repeal of Obamacare means. He points out that last year was a rough year for health insurance companies in the exchanges but this year and the next that will be erased. His point is that Obamacare never experienced the much heralded death spiral. But that the Republicans desire too repeal it will mean over 30 million will lack health insurance coverage. The majority of which are Trump voters. 

Krugman makes the point that the desire to repeal it is to prove government programs don't work. 

We are heading to this with the new Ryan Congress. Republicans aim to privatize the Veterans Administration,Medicaid, Medicare and good forbid, social security in the blind belief that the private sector performs better. 

In reality, the repeal is only to give an immediate tax cut to the very wealthy. There is no plan to replace it, as Paul Krugman points out,but they will let it end after the 2020 election. 

In the meantime, preventive care, lifetime limits ,etc. will be eliminated. 
Please remember the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy was only one page as a bill. You will experience a blizzard of these one pages on everything from Medicare vouchers to school vouchers. 

We do not have a healthcare system in this country and now there will no quarantees even to have the insurances. So stay healthy. 

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