Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Kochs Are Just Kooks.

( Weird post alert--the Koch Google masters have destroyed the original paragraphing) The Koch PR machine is now in full, fighting mode. First,they have been trying to scrub all web references to the Koch families dubious past. Now, they are trotting out Charles and David both to media outlets to help them sanitize their political activities. First we had the New York Times write about David Koch's bequest to MIT to create a Koch Center to study cancer. Now we have conservative websites and magazines challenge Democrats who received Koch funds and projecting that it is the Left which has double-standards. After all, didn't the Koch Brothers donate $60 million to the ACLU to kill the Patriot Act? Didn't David Koch criticize George W as prolifigate and his war in Iraq a policy failure? These are just a couple of eccentric guys with money to burn. The latest salvo in the effort to rehabilitate the Kochs is the piece in the Weekly Standard by Matthew Continetti, the conservative author of a book that says the leftwing media was out to get Sarah Palin. Matthew spent alot of time around Koch followers and the two wayward brothers. From the piece, you don't know who is crazier--Charles or David? Charles is perceived by the Koch groupies as the business theorist, the hard-nosed capitalist, while David is the charitable one. But both reveal the inner venom that Fred, their father, was known for. Before we get to their remarks about President Obama, we should recall that the Koch family has hated every President starting with FDR. We don't have a historical record for previous ones. Fred, the Dad, helped fund the original teaparties against FDR, a ladies' league that protested that FDR was a socialist. Fred's political hero, according to his own words, was Benito Mussolini. When he cofounded the John Birch Society,Dwight David Eisenhower was Ike The Kike for these phony patriots. According to David Koch's own memories, it was Dad that repeatedly warned him against the government--namely ours. Then we had David run as Vice-President on the Libertarian Party against President Ronald Reagan. Now we have both Koch brothers attack retroactively George W. Bush. So why should anyone be surprised that they hate another American President? This family invented the Hate America First movement. It was only last month that Charles Koch wrote glowingly about Canada and its wonderful economic policies. I wonder what he would say after the Harper Government fell. So now we come to President Barack Obama. Just a recap: President Obama has initiated tax cuts for small businesses, bailed out the auto industry, kept tax cuts from the Bush period,kept government at the same size per GDP as Eisenhower,failed to prosecute the major Wall Street fraudsters,bailed out the health insurance industry through healthcare reform,provided loans to clean energy companies, and on and on and on. All this in two years. American corporations are making record profits--historical records. The wealthier are getting even more obscenely wealthy. And read any leftwing blog of other ways Obama has been pro-business. And how accomodating he has been to the Chamber of Commerce, who spent a future on the 2010 midterm elections just to defeat anyone who identified with the President. So what does the Einstein of the Koch Brothers, David, say about President Obama. President Obama is "the most radical President we've ever had as a nation... and has done more damage to the free enterprise system and long-term prosperity than any President we have ever had." Dad Fred is rolling over in his grave--FDR had that title. Charles says that he doesn't believe that Obama is a Marxist but "he's internalized some Marxist models." David explains that President Obama's father "was a hard core economic socialist in Kenya. So he (Obama) had sort of anti-business, anti-free enterprise influences affecting him almost all his life." Just for the record, President Obama's father was a technocrat in the first Kenyan government and probably did indeed believe a type of third world socialism. The government he served confiscated the white farm lands and allowed virtually every business to remain in white hands and conduct business as usual. Hardly, the great socialist experiment. Also, President Obama only saw his father a few times in his life and was not old enough to hear sermons about economics. David is all upset that the prank caller to Governor Scott Walker "stole his identity." He also said that the protestors at the Rancho Mirage confab with Clarence Thomas and Glenn Beck were "very, very extreme" and "very, dangerous". All you have to do is look at the Youtube and find this is truly a menacing crowd of anarchists and bomb-throwers. Sort of like the marching cows in Wisconsin. My advice to the Kochs is to study Marlon Brando in the Formula and John Huston in Chinatown to learn how to be great meglomaniacs. My advice to opponents is to keep up the pressure and flash mob them so Americans will act as the Amish and shun them.

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