Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two Polls That Should Not be Read Together

Thursday's global Gallup poll showed that the age of Obama does bring benefits in terms of world public opinion. In a survey covering 100 countries, Gallup found that the United States continued to climb in public opinion, registering a 47% approval rating. The United States remained the nation most people wanted to migrate to. 24% said they wanted to migrate to the United States with Canada as runner-up at 7 percent.

The United States returned to the most liked major power with the election of Barack Obama. During the Bush Administration, due to the Iraq War and a style of international relations that annoyed people ,the U.S. actually found its standing lower than Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom and China. Only Russia during this period had worse ratings.

For the second consecutive year, America's rating has improved. Germany is second with a 40% approval rating.

Now for a Discover Magazine poll on evolution. Discover polled Canadians and Americans on evolution.

Statement: Humans were created by God in the last 10,000 years.
14% of Canadians agreed; 40% of Americans agreed.

Statement: Humans evolved over time with divine providence.
18% of Canadians agree; 38% of Americans agreed.

Statement: Humans evolved through natural selection.
58% of Canadians agreed; only 16% of Americans agreed.

They is not much to say.

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