Sunday, August 21, 2011

Elvis Is Almost Out Of The Building--Libyan Revolution

NATO has confirmed that the Libyan regime is now crumbling. UK Prime Minister David Cameron said,"The End Is here."

Hundreds of thousands filled the streets of Benghazi celebrating the imminent fall of Mu'ammar Gaddafi. Throughout Tripoli neighborhoods are out celebrating. Newly liberated prisoners greeted the opposition as the liberated the eastern part of the city. Reporters note that the flag of Libyan independence has been raised at all the government buildings with the exception of the State Broadcasting Center.

Gaddafi's eldest son Saif has been captured. Gaddafi's personal security force surrendered and gave up their arms. And the revolutionary forces are calling,"Now we're coming for you "frizz-head" referring to Gaddafi.

The whereabouts of Gaddafi is still unknown. Earlier in the day the TNC said that Qaddafi had fled to Algeria,while other reports had him killed near a hotel in downtown Tripoli. But a few moments ago, Al Jazeera broadcast his latest radio address. He warned the people of Tripoli that they would be servants forever under their French occupiers and that British colonalism would return. He said that the West would not protect the inhabitants of the city. He claimed that he would stay until the end.

One aspect of his late messages was his call to tribes nearby to come into Tripoli and fight. There is no evidence any are doing so.

There is some rumors that Qaddafi is actually negotiating with the head of the Transition Council. But as one spokesman of the opposition said, "It is finished."

What surprised NATO observers was the lack of resistance to the invading force. It was assumed that Qaddafi's forces in and around Tripoli were sufficiently armed and devoted to their leader to put up a stiff resistance to last much more than today and yesterday's events. Radio intercepts from today's fighting reveals these forces were running short of gas and weapons and complaining about morale.

The immediate concern now is how Qaddafi will be treated. NATO observers are urging the TNC to do everything by the book and capture and try him so that a legal precedent is established for their future rule.

While the situation at this hour is still fluid, it is clear that the Qaddafi regime is dramatgically crumbling before our eyes.

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