Monday, September 9, 2013

Possibly the Lucky Man

++President Obama said that the Russian offer may be a breakthrough and that, while he was skeptical, he would pursue the issue.

++Breibart and others on the Right said that Russia used Kerry's flub against the United States, even though today's CNN/ORC poll showed large majorities of Republicans oppose the military strike.

++Ezra Klein examined what the failure of the war vote on the Hill would do to Obama's agenda. Not much since he can't get anything through Congress anyway. Klein felt that there was considerable risk to Republicans because it would expose their deep divides on foreign policy.

++For an excellent run-down on the whole Russian proposal and how it came about,Andrew Sullivan, who has been despairing for Obama since the Syrian situation began, give an excellent series of analyses on the Daily Dish.

++John Kerry stumbled through the day by saying that the military strike would be "so small". He was dutifully attacked as either not urging a larger attack or by downplaying the notion the United States would "degrade" Assad's assets.

++Parts of the anti-interventionist Left, resume talk that President Obama was playing 3-D Chess and that his military posture made Russia flinch. The other line was that Obama could not advocate this because it would be rejected as Obama's idea. 

++CNN has Obama's approval rating on foreign affairs at its lowest, a paltry 33%. If a deal can be reached to pull the chemical weapons out of Syria,it would be a success, even though the Right is already grousing about it. Such an event would erase the Administration objective for going to war. O' Lucky Man Obama. 

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