Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Washington Confused

++At 2:30pmEST,Syria said it would sign the international chemical arms treaty, reveal its arsenal and open it to international inspection. Previously, they agreed to have the international community take control of them. 

++Ezra Klein pronounces Obama a winner in this since he narrowed his focus to the use of chemical arms and deterring Syria from using them again. Signing the treaty would mean Syria would face retribution if they used them again.

++The Senate is now furiously re-writing the authorization for military force. Meanwhile, President Obama's writers are running around re-writing tonight's speech.

++Russia is opposing France's Security Council resolution because it wants a commitment from the West it will not use force against Syria. Stay tuned since earlier in the day both Russia and China said they would not veto a resolution against Syria. I imagine there is the usual dickering around with wording.

++David Ignatius also proclaims Obama won this one by the threat of force.

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