Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Weird of the Week

++Alan Keyes has asked that Jesus help in impeaching President Obama. He says the American people want this but are too afraid and they need divine intervention.

++Carnival Cruz said that President Obama was "terrifyingly dangerous" and engaging in "lawlessness on a breathtaking scale". He even wrote at Harvard Law Review article complete with footnotes to say how the federal government is trying to become a totalitarian state.

++Former Air Force General Tom Mcinearny told Fox News he had confirmed that the Obama Administration is penetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner's wife, leaked top secret documents to the Brotherhood.

++Former Army Major General Paul Valley has called for everyone is the administration to resign and that the American people have lost all faith in their politicians and that the only institution that has any respect is the military. He calls for the Senate and House leadership to resign and that the Speaker of the House, a newly selected Teabagger be made President of the United States. He will be in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this month to rally the teabaggers for Operation American Spring.

++The Teabaggers announced this week they want to replace Boehner because the budget agreement reached between the House and the Senate was a betrayal of the Constitution.

++The Supreme Court threw out a case by Doctors against Obamacare that argued the law should have been initiated in the House.

++Rightwing talk show host Garrow claims that the Presidents' children are not really his and wants them tested for DNA because the President is gay. The President also is responsible for the number of deaths of Atlantic Dolphins because he nuked them and Garrow has the evidence.

++Climate denier Lord Monkcton said the Americans were all "pantywaists" because they would not get rid of President Obama.

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