Thursday, March 13, 2014

An Odd Week

++Yesterday, President Obama finally said that he would declassify the Senate's Torture Report--when it was done. That's good news but someone of us were under the impression it was done.

++McClatchy reported yesterday that the Obama Administration did not release 9,400 documents requested by the Senate for its investigation into the torture and detention program.

++The Senate will not get around to extending unemployment insurance until after their recess. The House won't get around to it at all. This will not affect Republicans in the elections at all.

++The House Republicans went after the Dreamers and passed a bill requesting they be deported. The Enforce Act. This also will not affect the GOP in the elections.

++Ukrainian Aid passed the House and Senate but Senate Republicans are against because of expense. This also will not affect the Republicans.

++President Obama is signing an executive order concerning overtime pay, which will positively affect 10 million.

++Paul Ryan says that too many people in the inner city are too lazy to work. Dog whistles on race will not hurt Republicans.

++Chris Matthews says the Democrats have already lost the Senate this year. That would be a real disaster. Realists know the House will remain Republican maybe until 2020. A Republican Senate for the last two years of Obama would mean a fast-track for the TPP and a series of attempts to abolish Obamacare,efforts to cut Social Security and privatize Medicare. The whole goal of a Republican Congress will be to eliminate all changes made in the Financial System, cut the Consumer Protection Agency, and to cut taxes for the wealthy. If you don't know this, you are crazy

++And the good news is that American corporations hold two trillion in overseas accounts to avoid taxes.

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