Friday, August 15, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer

++A new report finds that the Keystone XL pipeline emits 4x the carbon emissions than the State Department claims. The GOP is trying to become the "yes" party for 2014. So naturally,they have proclaimed that one of the first things they will do if they take control of the Senate is to pass the Keystone XL Pipeline. 

++Rachel Maddow raised an indelicate question about our Iraq activities. The 60 day period for Congress to vote on authorizing these actions has expired. So our airstrikes and escalation of American forces to 1,000 has no authorization.

++Yes, Hillary Clinton is a hawk but her dispute with President Obama of arming the Syrian "moderates" is based on a fantasy as Fareed Sakaria writes in today's Washington Post.

++The Imperial Post laments that President Obama doesn't have a clear strategy for crushing ISIS. Eli Lake claims that one of the problems is that the CIA and NSA have no clear understanding of how large ISIS really is and who really is in the leadership. Best bit on ISIS is that it is really led by a Jewish character actor. Read a thought piece on that speculated that President Obama didn't act sooner because he allowed ISIS to basically destabilize the region so that he could engineer a regime change in Iraq because Maliki had gotten too close to Iran.

++The last of the "W" characters in Iraq, Maliki finally did resign because Ayatollah Sistani sent a letter with his notarized signature to parliament that he had to go. General Sulieman of the Qods forces fighting both in Iraq and Syria for Iran called Maliki a "moron". 

++Bibi and Barack are on the outs because the White House claims that President Obama did not authorize the transfer of weapons during the Gaza fighting and that he refuses to send Israel Hellfire Missiles.

++Louie Gohmert said that "undocumented Democrats" were entering the country and spreading Ebola.

++Rick Perry in his new quest for the presidency claims he is sending the National Guard to the Mexican border for national security not politics. The Border Patrol claim that the Guard makes things worse.

++The President is expected to take a break from his Martha Vineyard's vacation to appear in Washington to announce far-ranging moves on immigration.

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