Friday, January 15, 2016

From Camp Cuckoo

++ Our favorite Geehawdists have cancelled their meeting tonight with the Oregon residents to discuss their plan in leaving the bird refuge.

++On a snack run to Safeway,Mr. Unicorn got arrested --not because he was armed and threatening federal officers but because he took a federal vehicle to get snacks. 

++A Sovereign Citizen judge arrived to preside over the trial of local authorities who violate the rights of ranchers and others who want to take federal property. He is also a flatearther-- he took the opportunity to explain why the earth is flat to the assembled camera crews.

++Ammonium Bundy says they will not leave until all federal property is given back to the citizens. It already has been. It is our land, not the possession of some self-righteous twit.

++The Paiute Indians are truly not happy. There are over 1,000 artifacts at the refuge that represent archaeological finds of Indian settlements in the region.

++Little Bundy made a speech today that when he said give back the land--he didn't mean the native americans. They sort of forfeited the land when we took it from them. The land now belongs not to past cultures but the present.

++Local fishers and hunters are pissed because the wildlife refuge sits on the main migratory path from Patagonia to Alaska and is a breeding area for hundreds of species and ranchers would destroy that.

++Outsiders comment on the federal policy to these jokers. When unarmed African-Americans seized the refuge in1979,they were forcible removed by armed federal agents. What's special about these guys? 
No one doubts if they were black or Moslem,they would be dead by now. 

++They have turned their mail into a trade. (the US Postal service actually delivers packages to them.) The box of dildoes that sent them into a rage they are now selling on e-bay. One of their critics sent them a big tube of lube priced at $1,000. 

++The group has spent its time accessing personnel files of those at the refuge and seem to have built a new road near the main building. 

++Just as the county schools reopened with the assurances from the militias they wouldn't cause any trouble, two of their leaders got drunk and one killed the other. Apparently the Marshall ruled it self-defense.

++I'm tired of their 15 minutes of fame. Let's close them down.

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